Maryland State Highway Administration
Task 9: SWM Asset and Drainage ID and Cataloging Support
The scope of our effort includes:
1. Performance of quality assurance of existing drainage and storm water management data from existing permit documents and as-built plans to support ongoing field verification efforts statewide. Our engineering staff will confirm existing storm water management (SWM) assets; acquire historical as-built information; and provide quality control activities for existing SWM assets. This work may include the research of existing SWM assets and the compilation of information that may be found in existing documentation.
2. Storage in a shared central repository of reference documents about existing and proposed SWM inventory that could be needed later for planning, design, and/or maintenance purposes. The key to automating the process of making this data available to engineers for future use hinges upon a standardized naming convention for folders used to store these files. Concerted effort must be put in to clean up the variations in convention that have accumulated over the last ten years.
3. Linking of centrally stored reference documents with assets in SHA’s SWM asset management program (SWAMP) so that eGIS users can locate and pull them up when needed. Our engineering staff will be supplemented by programming staff. Our work will also consist of automating the production of spreadsheets that will allow SHA to link the files to assets in eGIS by using the system’s Append tool. The deliverables of this effort